Thursday, December 3, 2009

the Good, the Bad and the Turkey

The Good. . .
Todd and I have a fun weekend ahead of us and we are super excited for it. Todd's dad is going down to California to pick something up that he bought on e-bay,and since he is going down there he may as well stop and spend a day in Disneyland, right? And why go alone? So, Todd, Ben and I are going to go down with him! It will be Ben's first time at Disneyland, not that he will remember it, but it will be fun for all of us.

The bad. . .
We have a ward Christmas party coming up soon and I am in charge of it. I was so preoccupied with it and everything else going on while I was making some bread dough, that I somehow lost my wedding ring. I am devastated to think that it is truely gone. I never take my ring off, even when I am making dough, but for some reason I did and I have no clue where it is! I have cleaned the kitchen 3 times, searched the garbage, checked the garbage disposal, everything I can think of! I am so sad that I have lost it, and I feel so weird without it on. I am just praying that I find it, and find it SOON! Every time I walk in the kitchen I think of my ring, and I want to cry!

The Turkey. . .
Like I said earlier I am in charge of the ward Christmas party. It has been an interesting experience. We are serving approximately 275 people. I have purchased 12 turkeys, and getting enough volunteers to cook them all took alot of luck and advertizing. I just hope everything goes well since there are a ton of other ward activities going on that day like a food drive and a sub for santa youth activity.

Life is busy but WONDERFUL. . . .I just need to find my ring and it will be almost perfect!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find your ring soon and all goes well for the Christmas Party.

    In reply to your comment: right now we just have Babycakes tell us whenever he's poopy so he recognizes he needs to be cleaned. It's a gradual thing from diaper to toilet.

    He probably won't start actual potty training until about 2 1/2 or 3 years. But I've been told he'll let us know through his actions as well.
